What is Effective Altruism?

Effective altruism is about answering one simple question: how can we use our resources to help others the most? We use evidence and careful analysis to find the very best causes to work on. But it's no use answering the question unless you act on it. Effective altruism is also about following through – being generous with your time and your money to do the most good you can. Here’s a short essay that explains a bit more.

What do we do?

  • Each quarter, we run a 7-week intro fellowship program where students explore the core ideas and concepts within the Effective Altruism movement. Application here.

  • The In-Depth Fellowship is a seven-week program for those who have completed the Intro Fellowship. Dive deep into the discussion of cause prioritization, clear up confusions, and find all new things to be confused about!

    The In-Depth usually runs in winter or spring quarter.

  • We host dinners at an off-campus house every Friday evening! Come hang with other club members over some free food!